Author: wpusername3455

International Research Collaboration: A Successful Visit to Technical University Ilmenau

We are thrilled to share that our PhD student, Zvonimir Lipšinić, has just completed a productive three-week research visit to the Department of Product and Systems Engineering at the Technical University Ilmenau. The visit was an important step in furthering our joint work on a research paper focused on Model-Based System Engineering and Sustainability. Hosted […]

Visit to PTC’s headquarters in Boston

We are thrilled to share that our PhD student Fanika Lukačević recently had the incredible opportunity to visit the headquarters of PTC in Boston, USA!The PTC team warmly welcomed Fanika, providing her with an extensive tour of their office and engaging in enriching discussions about their R&D activities. During her visit, Fanika shared the main […]

PhD student at the DCC’24 conference in Montreal

Our PhD student Fanika Lukačević had a fantastic time at the Design Computing and Cognition (DCC’24) conference in Montreal, Canada last week!There, she presented the paper “Comparing Engineering Designers’ Brain Activity in Visuospatial Reasoning Tasks” co-authored with Dr. Niccolò Becattini and Dr. Stanko Škec.We are confident that the workshops, sessions, and thought-provoking discussions have already […]

Project team members at the CAD24 conference in Eger

Petar Kosec, Tomislav Martinec, Stanko Škec, and Jelena Šklebar attended the CAD’24 Conference located at the Eszterházy Károly Catholic University in the picturesque city of Eger, Hungary. The conference offered an array of inspiring sessions that cover various aspects of CAD technology and its applications. The DATA-MATION team presented three papers: We extend our gratitude […]

Presentations at the annual PhD Workshop

We’re happy to share that our PhD students, Zvonimir Lipšinić and Fanika Lukačević, participated in the annual PhD Workshop organized by the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture!They had the opportunity to present their research to fellow PhD students and esteemed professors. The day was filled with enlightening presentations, stimulating discussions, […]

Project team members at the DESIGN 2024 conference

The project team recently showcased their research at the 18th International Design Conference (DESIGN 2024), held from May 20 to 23, 2024, in Cavtat, Dubrovnik, Croatia. The following papers were presented: Also, the following two papers were co-authored by the project team members: The DESIGN Conference is a biennial event that brings together researchers and […]